How far will the information of automobile maintenance technology be open?

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"The Measures for the Implementation and Management of Automobile Maintenance Technical Information Disclosure require auto manufacturers to disclose automobile maintenance technical information, but the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), which is in charge of automobile production, has issued the Measures. The effect of the policy is worrying." A few days ago, after-sales service chain enterprise Huasheng Group strategic development director Liu Siyun told reporters that such concerns. It has been more than 7 months since the "Measures" came into effect at the beginning of this year. The implementation of the policy has been a topic of concern for independent maintenance enterprises. Has the "Measures" really achieved results so far, so that independent maintenance enterprises profit? How close are we to full disclosure?

How far will the information of automobile maintenance technology be open?

"The Measures for the Implementation and Management of Automobile Maintenance Technical Information Disclosure require auto manufacturers to disclose automobile maintenance technical information, but the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), which is in charge of automobile production, has issued the Measures. The effect of the policy is worrying." A few days ago, after-sales service chain enterprise Huasheng Group strategic development director Liu Siyun told reporters that such concerns. It has been more than 7 months since the "Measures" came into effect at the beginning of this year. The implementation of the policy has been a topic of concern for independent maintenance enterprises. Has the "Measures" really achieved results so far, so that independent maintenance enterprises profit? How close are we to full disclosure?

The pace of information disclosure has not yet begun

Before that, some independent maintenance enterprise employees repeatedly expressed to reporters, very hope that the Oems can according to the provisions of the "Measures" as soon as possible to disclose the maintenance technical information, but some Oems have been slow to move. To this end, the reporter specially made an in-depth investigation, the results found that up to now, although many auto factories and the third party platform of automobile maintenance information disclosure have taken action, but the reality is not satisfactory.

The reporter first visited and inquired the national Automobile maintenance technical information Disclosure supervision and service network, but the "automobile maintenance technical information disclosure inquiry" column of the website showed "under construction" all the time.

Later, the reporter visited the information platform of the Aftermarket Committee of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. In the column "Disclosure of original factory Information" set up by the platform, there were links to the disclosure platforms set up by 7 Oems themselves: Dongfeng Xiaokang, SAIC Volkswagen, Hongyan, Lifan, Changan Suzuki, Ruichi and Yangzhou Yaxing. By registering on the open platform of the corresponding automobile enterprises, you can purchase the corresponding maintenance technical information. However, on the platform of SAIC Volkswagen, you need to not only register, but also input the club membership number to enter, which seems not to comply with the provisions of the Measures.

The reporter visited the CRRC cloud business platform which is said to have more public information. More than 40 automobile brands can be seen on this platform, but not every brand has corresponding information, some only have the frame, some have maintenance information, as of the press deadline, 8 brands on this platform clearly marked prices for selling maintenance technology information. Including BAIC New Energy, BAIC Yinxiang, Changlong Bus, Dongfeng Passenger Car, Valin Xingma, Chery Automobile, Sivo Bus, FAW Haima. The price range of maintenance technology information is mainly 50~300 yuan.

According to the above survey reporters found that the current public information of the brand is mainly independent brands, few joint venture brands and foreign brands. In addition, more auto enterprises choose to cooperate with the third-party information disclosure platform compared with the self-built platform, mainly because the cooperation with the third party can reduce the operating cost.

As for multinational automobile enterprises, most of them have disclosed part of the maintenance technical information according to the relevant anti-monopoly laws and regulations of their own countries, and they have also built their own disclosure platforms. Users only need to be Chinese. But CRRC cloud business responsible person Mr. Wang told reporters, multinational car companies' information disclosure system is more inclined to be set in accordance with foreign regulations, and can not fully meet the landing of the "measures", the need for the Ministry of Transport to urge its further adjustment.

The end of the year may usher in the peak of information disclosure

When can large-scale and relatively complete maintenance technical information be made public? According to the Measures, automobile manufacturers should file with the Ministry of Transport relevant information about their automobile maintenance technical information disclosure before December 31, 2015. For the "new model", automobile producers since January 1, 2016, to obtain CCC certification of passenger cars and buses, to be in the model on the market within 6 months from the date of public maintenance technology information.


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